Question -

Write whether every positive integer can be ofthe form 4q + 2, where q is an integer. Justify your answer.

Answer -


No, every positive integer cannot be of theform 4q + 2, where q is an integer.


All the numbers of the form 4q + 2, where ‘q’is an integer, are even numbers which are not divisible by ‘4’.

For example,

When q=1,

4q+2 = 4(1) + 2= 6.

When q=2,

4q+2 = 4(2) + 2= 10

When q=0,

4q+2 = 4(0) + 2= 2 and so on.

So, any number which is of the form 4q+2 willgive only even numbers which are not multiples of 4.

Hence, every positive integer cannot bewritten in the form 4q+2


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