Chapter 11 Conic Sections Ex 11.3 Solutions

Question - 11 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:

Vertices(0, ± 13), foci (0, ± 5)

Answer - 11 : -


Vertices (0, ± 13) and foci (0, ± 5)

Here, the vertices are on the y-axis.

So, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/b2 +y2/a2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

Then, a =13 and c = 5.

It is known that a2 = b+ c2.

132 = b2+52

169 = b2 + 15

b2 = 169 – 125

b = √144

= 12

Theequation of the ellipse is x2/122 + y2/132 =1 or x2/144 + y2/169 = 1

Question - 12 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
Vertices (± 6, 0), foci (± 4, 0)

Answer - 12 : -


Vertices (± 6, 0) and foci (± 4, 0)

Here, the vertices are on the x-axis.

So, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/a2 +y2/b2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

Then, a = 6 and c = 4.

It is known that a2 = b+ c2.

62 = b2+42

36 = b2 + 16

b2 = 36 – 16

b = √20

Theequation of the ellipse is x2/62 + y2/(√20)2 =1 or x2/36 + y2/20 = 1

Question - 13 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
Ends of major axis (0, ±√5), ends of minor axis (±1, 0)

Answer - 13 : -


Ends of major axis (0, ±√5) and ends of minor axis (±1, 0)

Here, the major axis is along the y-axis.

So, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/b2 +y2/a2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

Then, a = √5 and b = 1.

Theequation for the ellipse x2/12 + y2/(√5)2 =1 or x2/1 + y2/5 = 1

Question - 14 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
Length of major axis 26, foci (±5, 0)

Answer - 14 : -


Length of major axis is 26 and foci (±5, 0)

Since the foci are on the x-axis, the major axis is along thex-axis.

So, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/a2 +y2/b2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

Then, 2a = 26

a = 13 and c = 5.

It is known that a2 = b+ c2.

132 = b2+52

169 = b2 + 25

b2 = 169 – 25

b = √144

= 12

The equationof the ellipse is x2/132 + y2/122 =1 or x2/169 + y2/144 = 1

Question - 15 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
Length of minor axis 16, foci (0, ±6).

Answer - 15 : -


Length of minor axis is 16 and foci (0, ±6).

Since the foci are on the y-axis, the major axis is along they-axis.

So, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/b2 +y2/a2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

Then, 2b =16

b = 8 and c = 6.

It is known that a2 = b+ c2.

a2 = 8+ 62

= 64 + 36


a = √100

= 10

Theequation of the ellipse is x2/82 + y2/102 =1or x2/64 + y2/100 = 1

Question - 16 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
Foci (±3, 0), a = 4

Answer - 16 : -


Foci (±3, 0) and a = 4

Since the foci are on the x-axis, the major axis is along thex-axis.

So, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/a2 +y2/b2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

Then, c = 3 and a = 4.

It is known that a2 = b+ c2.

a2 = 8+ 62

= 64 + 36

= 100

16 = b2 + 9

b2 = 16 – 9

= 7

Theequation of the ellipse is x2/16 + y2/7 = 1

Question - 17 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
b = 3, c = 4, centre at the origin; foci on the x axis.

Answer - 17 : -


b = 3, c = 4, centre at the origin and foci on the x axis.

Since the foci are on the x-axis, the major axis is along thex-axis.

So, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/a2 +y2/b2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

Then, b = 3 and c = 4.

It is known that a2 = b+ c2.

a2 = 3+ 42

= 9 + 16


a = √25

= 5

Theequation of the ellipse is x2/52 + y2/32 orx2/25 + y2/9 = 1

Question - 18 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
Centre at (0, 0), major axis on the y-axis and passes through the points (3, 2) and (1, 6).

Answer - 18 : -


Centre at (0, 0), major axis on the y-axis and passes throughthe points (3, 2) and (1, 6).

Since the centre is at (0, 0) and the major axis is on the y-axis, the equation of the ellipse will be of the form x2/b2 +y2/a2 = 1, where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.

The ellipse passes through points (3, 2) and (1, 6).

So, by putting the values x = 3 and y = 2, we get,

32/b2 + 22/a2 =1

9/b2 + 4/a2…. (1)

And by putting the values x = 1 and y = 6, we get,

11/b2 + 62/a2 =1

1/b2 + 36/a2 = 1 …. (2)

On solving equation (1) and (2), we get

b2 = 10 and a2 = 40.

Theequation of the ellipse is x2/10 + y2/40 = 1 or 4x2 +y 2 = 40

Question - 19 : - Find the equation for the ellipse that satisfies the given conditions:
Major axis on the x-axis and passes through the points (4,3) and (6,2).

Answer - 19 : -


Major axis on the x-axis and passes through the points (4, 3)and (6, 2).

Since the major axis is on the x-axis, the equation of theellipse will be the form

x2/a2 + y2/b2 =1…. (1) [Where ‘a’ is the semi-major axis.]

The ellipse passes through points (4, 3) and (6, 2).

So by putting the values x = 4 and y = 3 in equation (1), we get,

16/a2 + 9/b2 = 1 …. (2)

Putting, x = 6 and y = 2 in equation (1), we get,

36/a2 + 4/b2 = 1 …. (3)

From equation (2)

16/a2 = 1 – 9/b2

1/a2 = (1/16 (1 – 9/b2)) …. (4)

Substituting the value of 1/a2 in equation (3)we get,

36/a2 + 4/b2 = 1

36(1/a2) + 4/b2 = 1

36[1/16 (1 – 9/b2)] + 4/b2 = 1

36/16 (1 – 9/b2) + 4/b2 = 1

9/4 (1 – 9/b2) + 4/b2 = 1

9/4 – 81/4b2 + 4/b2 = 1

-81/4b2 + 4/b2 = 1 – 9/4

(-81+16)/4b2 = (4-9)/4

-65/4b2 = -5/4

-5/4(13/b2) = -5/4

13/b2 = 1

1/b2 = 1/13

b2 = 13

Now substitute the value of b2 in equation (4)we get,

1/a2 = 1/16(1 – 9/b2)

= 1/16(1 – 9/13)

= 1/16((13-9)/13)

= 1/16(4/13)

= 1/52

a2 = 52

Equation of ellipse is x2/a2 + y2/b2 =1

By substituting the values of a2 and b2 inabove equation we get,

x2/52 + y2/13 = 1

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