Question -

Let A and B be two sets such that n(A) = 3 and n (B) = 2. If (x, 1), (y, 2), (z, 1) are in A × B, find A and B, where x, y and z are distinct elements.

Answer -

n(A) = 3 and n(B) = 2; and (x, 1), (y, 2), (z, 1) are in A × B.
We know that,
A = Set of first elements of the ordered pair elements of A × B
B = Set of second elements of the ordered pair elements of A × B.
So, clearly x, y, and z are the elements of A; and
1 and 2 are the elements of B.
As n(A) = 3 and n(B) = 2, it is clear that set A = {x, y, z} and set B = {1, 2}.


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