Question -

The difference of squares of two numbers is 180. The square of the smaller number is 8 times the larger number. Find the two numbers.

Answer -

Let us say, the larger and smaller number be x and y respectively.
As per the question given,

x– y2 = 180 and y2 =8x

 x– 8x = 180

 x– 8x – 180 = 0

 x– 18x + 10x –180 = 0

 x(x – 18) +10(x – 18)= 0

(x – 18)(x + 10) = 0

 x = 18, -10

However, the larger number cannot consideredas negative number, as 8 times of the larger number will be negative and hence,the square of the smaller number will be negative which is not possible.

Therefore, the larger number will be 18 only.

x = 18

 y2 = 8x = 8 × 18 = 144

 y = ±√144 = ±12

Smaller number = ±12

Therefore, the numbers are 18 and 12 or 18 and-12.


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