Question -

Name the types of following triangles:
(а) Triangle with lengths of sides 7 cm, 8 cm and 9 cm.
(b) ∆ABC with AB = 8.7 cm, AC = 7 cm and BC = 6 cm.
(c) ∆PQR such that PQ = QR = PR = 5 cm.
(d) ∆DEF with m∠D = 90°
(e) ∆XYZ with m∠Y = 90° and XY = YZ.
(f) ∆LMN with m∠L = 30° m∠M = 70° and m∠N = 80°.

Answer -

(a) Lengths of thesides of a triangle are given as: 7 cm, 8 cm and 9 cm.
Since, all sides of the given triangle are different.
Hence, it is a Scalene triangle.
(b) Given that: AB = 8.7 cm, AC = 7 cm and BC = 6 cm
Here AB ≠ AC ≠ BC Hence, ∆ABC is Scalene triangle.
(c) Given that: PQ = QR = PR = 5 cm
Since all sides are equal.
Hence, it is an equilateral triangle.
(d) Given that: In ∆DEF, m
D= 90°
Hence it is a right angled triangle.
(e) Given that: In ∆XYZ, m
Y= 90° and XY = YZ
Hence it is a right angled triangle.
(f) Given that: ∆LMN, m
L = 30°, m M = 70° and mN = 80°.
Hence it is an acute angled triangle.


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