Chapter 19 Excretory Products and their Elimination Solutions

Question - 11 : -
Name the following.
(a) A chordate animal having flame cells as excretory structures.
(b) Cortical portions projecting between the medullary pyramids in the human kidney.
(c) A loop of capillary running parallel to the Henle’s loop.

Answer - 11 : -

(a) Cephalochordate – Amphioxus
(b) Columns of Bertini
(c) Vasa recta

Question - 12 : -
Fill in the gaps.
(a) Ascending limb of Henle’s loop is________to water whereas the descending limb is________to it.
(b) Reabsorption of water from distal parts of the tubules is facilitated by hormone________
(c) Dialysis fluid contains all the constituents as in plasma except________
(d) A healthy adult human excretes (on an average)________gm of urea/day.

Answer - 12 : -

(a) Ascending limb ofHenle’s loop is impermeable to water whereas the descending limb is permeable to it.
(b) Reabsorption of water from distal parts of thetubules is facilitated by hormone ADH.
(c) Dialysis fluid contains all the constituentsas in plasma except nitrogenouswastes.
(d) A healthy adult human excretes (on an average) 25 – 30 gm of urea/day.

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