Question -

Comment whether the following statements are true or false.
(i) The sum of deviation of items from median is zero.
(ii) An average alone is not enough to compare series.
(iii) Arithmetic mean is a positional value.
(iv) Upper quartile is the lowest value of top 25% of items.
(v) Median is unduly affected by extreme observations.

Answer -

(i) False
This mathematical property applies to the arithmetic mean and not to median.
(ii) True
Average is not enough to compare the series as it does not explain the extent of deviation of different items from the central tendency and the difference in the frequency of values. These are measured by measures of dispersion and kurtosis.
(iii) False
Median is a positional value.
(iv) True
The upper quartile also called the third quartile, has 75 % of the items below it and 25 % of items above it.
(v) False
Arithmetic mean is unduly affected by extreme observations.


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