Question -

The following series relates to the daily income of workers employed in a firm. Compute (a) highest income of lowest 50% workers, (b) minimum income earned by the top 25% workers and (c) maximum income earned by lowest 25% workers.

Answer -

(a) Highest income of lowest 50% workers will be given by the median. Σf = N = 65
Median class = Size of  (N/2) th item = Size of  (65/2) th item=325 th item
32.5th item lies in the 50th cumulative frequency and the corresponding class interval is 24.5 – 29.5.

(b) Minimum income earned by top 25% workers will be given by the lower quartile Q1.
Class interval of Q1 =  (N/4) th item
=(65/4) th item = 1625th item
16.25th item lies in the 30th cumulative frequency and the corresponding class interval is 19.5 – 24.5

(c) Maximum income earned by lowest 25% workers will be given by the upper quartile Q3.
Class interval of Q3 = (N/4) th item
=3(65/4) th item
= 3 × 1625th item
= 48.75th item
48.75th item lines in 50th item and the corresponding class interval is 24.5-29.5.


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