Question -

“Indian democracy is now ready to shift from a crude First Past the Post system to a system of Proportional Representation”. Do you agree with this statement? Give your reasons for or against this statement.

Answer -

Yes, I agree with the statement along with the following reasons:

  1. India enjoys a multi-party system including regional parties, hence to provide the shape to all the political parties, the proportional system is far better.
  2. Decentralization of power strengthens the sense of responsibility along with national unity and integrity.
  3. Representation democracy makes the democracy more effective and trustworthy.
  4. It ensures the political parties to get seats along with proportionate votes.
  5. The election system has allowed the voters to change governments peacefully both at the state and the national level.
  6. Voters have consistently keen interest to the election process. Hence, the number of candidates and parties are continuously on rise.


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