Question -

Suppose you are entrusted to evolve a local government plan of a State, what powers would you endow to the village panchayats to function as units of self-government? Mention any five powers and the justification in two lines for each of them for giving those powers.

Answer -

 Any answer supported with argument or explanation would solve the purpose. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, some sample pointers have been provided for your reference:

  1. Allowing panchayats to raise their own funds−This would reduce their dependency on the higher levels of government and make them more active in development process.
  2. Starting village co-operatives at panchayat level−This would lead to development of village economy and cooperation between various panchayats. It would also generate employment and allow panchayats to directly market village produce and get better prices for the same.
  3. Authority to create and maintain infrastructure in village−This would lead to less dependence on government officials for funds and consequently, lead to autonomy.
  4. Control of village panchayat over local resources−Resources like water and pastureland should come under the village panchayat to enable their maintenance and prevent their degradation. This would engage the entire community in their conservation.
  5. Direct engagement of village panchayats with state government in matters related to development projects−This would allow them to get adequate compensation for development projects and land acquisition and reduce the role of middlemen.


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