Question -

What are some of the problems faced by refugees? In what ways could the concept of global citizenship benefit them?

Answer -

Any answer supported with argument or explanation would solve the purpose. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, some sample pointers have been provided for your reference:

The following are some of the problems faced by refugees:

  1. Refugees are not treated well by the local residents of the place.
  2. They are considered as a burden on the local economy.
  3. The local residents feel that refugees are snatching their job opportunities in that area.
  4. The refugees are held responsible for spreading diseases, crime and polluting the area as they mostly live in slums and tents.
  5. They are constrained to do useful and necessary work but at low wages.
  6. Refugees face the problem of shelter, food and lack of employment.
  7. Refugees are exempted from the rights that are given by the state to its people like enjoying the right of minimum standard of living and security.
  8. Thus, they are often exploited by the police and other local residents on grounds of the rights that they lack as a member of that state.

Global citizenship would be beneficial to refugees as it will be easier to deal with problems that extend across national boundaries and require cooperation of other states.

It would also help refugees and stateless people by providing them basic rights and solutions to their problems so that they can lead a normal life.


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