Question -

Management is a series of continuous inter-related functions. Comment.

Answer -

Management is a series of continuous inter related functions. It can be explained with the help of following points

Management comprises of the following functions that work together

1. Planning: It is the process of determining what works needs to be done, who will do it and how it should be done. It involves setting up goals which need to be achieved and determining the ways in which it can be achieved. It helps in laying down a framework based on which the activities can be implemented. It is often said to be the most important step in management.

2. Organising: Planning is followed by Organising. It is the process of identifying tasks and the appropriate resources that are required for executing the plan. Organising allots separate tasks to different departments with a defined plan. The hierarchy is well established which leads to work being carried out with efficiency and effectiveness.

3. Staffing: Staffing is the process of allotting specialised personnel for specialised work. In other words, hiring the right person for the job. It is a part of human resource and involves hiring and training of the people.

4. Directing: It is one of the important functions of a manager which involves directing the human resources to work in an effective manner. It also involves providing motivation to the workers so as to drive productivity.

5. Controlling: Controlling is necessary as it checks if the assigned work is progressing in the right direction or not. It generally involves assessing the work done with the goals of the organisations. By measuring the extent of work, managers ensure that there is no error or discrepancy. If any such errors surface, then appropriate steps will be undertaken so as to rectify the issue.

So, all these makes us understand that management functions are interdependent on each other in order to function properly.


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