Question -

What was the major thrust of the First Five Year Plan? In which ways did the Second Plan differ from the first one?

Answer -

The First Five Year Plan that was commenced in 1951 to be drafted by young economist, K.N. Raj, with the emphasis on poverty alleviation. Its main thrusts were as follows:

  1. It mainly addressed the agrarian sector including investment in dams and irrigation.
  2. Huge allocations were made for large scale projects like the Bhakhra Nangal Dam.
  3. It focused on land reforms for development in rural areas.
  4. One of the basic aims of the planners was to raise the level of national income.
The Second Five Year Plan, drafted by a team of economists and planners under the leadership of P. C. Mahalanobis was different from the Frist Five Year Plan in the following ways:

  1. The Second FYP stressed on heavy industrialisation.
  2. Second Five Year Plan wanted to bring about quick structural transformation by making changes simultaneously in all possible directions.
  3. The government imposed substantial tariffs on imports in order to protect domestic industries. Such protected environment helped both public and private sector industries to grow.
  4. As savings and investment were growing in this period, a bulk of these industries like electricity, railways, steel, machinery and communication could be developed in the public sector.
  5. Indeed, such a push for industrialisation marked a turning point in India’s development.


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